Milkify - Fresh Milk Delivery




MILKIFY aims to bring Fresh and Pure milk to you right from our farms by using latest technology to keep it safe and hygienic because we believe that your health matters the most. MILKIFY team works under the slogan “Milking it to your door” and we really mean it. MILKIFY noticed the flaws in our archaic milk delivery system adversely affecting our generations so we designed a bike which have safe cooling mechanism for 24 hours and digital balancing system for accurate delivery of milk and dairy products, instead of ice and other adulteration used by common milkmen. We are following the International testing and hygiene standards. We have a team of doctors who test every batch of milk on daily basis.MILKIFY is a startup of National Incubation Center in Lahore University of Management Sciences (NIC LUMS) and Highly appreciated by Punjab Food Authority.Our Vision is to serve the humanity by delivering the Purest milk and dairy products through MILKIFY Innovative technology, so that you and your family can enjoy a healthy life.